Olive Oil on a
Daily Basis
oil had been essential for lighting as well as a basic dietary
requirement since prehistoric times. Its uses in cooking were extended
during the classical period. Olive oil was essential in cooking cereal
crops, vegetables and pulses as it still is today in traditional Greek
cuisine, especially in the areas where olive trees are abundant. Olive
oil, which is to be used for cooking purposes, is always of a very high
standard, obviously depending on the conditions of productions in every
area. Farmers were used to consuming the olive oil without it being
cooked, which is not such an unusual occurrence even today, either by
pouring the oil on a traditional Greek dried rusts or by flavoring
boiled greens and other binds of salads. The amounts of uncooked oil
that were consumed were not small. |
the third millennium B.C., Crete was an olive oil producing area. Since
the climatic conditions of the island are ideal for the growth of the
tree, the people turned their interest to the cultivation of olive
trees, which was easy and profitable. The Cretans have never stopped
cultivating their beloved tree. Even when other areas developed, such as
Athens, and the island’s trade declined, Crete continued to produce
large quantities of olive oil. It was used for food, as a manufacturing
material in the production of scented oil and as an industrial material
on its own. It was olive oil which lit public and private buildings. |